Friday, August 6, 2010


Mark Ho, originally from Amsterdam, Netherlands, is self-taught in the techniques and craft of metal work. After experiencing an increasing amount of frustration while building puppetry on an animated film project; he decided to work on his own to develop, as he describes, the "ultimate puppet" that would be a scaled representation of the range of movement that human body provides. It was at this point that Mark decided to learn everything possible about metalwork and sought out a craftsman that offered him advice and occasional tutelage.
The bronze and stainless steel automaton "Artform No.1" (below) was the result of his passion and emotional engagement to the metal crafting medium and would provide a strong argument that craft in design certainly is alive and well in our modern era. A significant motivational factor for him was the mixture of design, precision, patience & skill that went into manufacturing each piece. The lack of having total control was what drove him away from the film industry. In the idealised world of his workshop all ideas are significant; all factors weighed and decided upon by only himself. The end result truly is a bespoke design of his own creation.

Zoho Artform No.1 by Mark Ho
Height:  17 inches / 43cm
Weight:  16 lbs / 7 kg
Number of parts:  920 (101 in each hand)
Materials:  Bronze a
nd Stainless Steel
Edition: 25

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